The Art of the Eggplant


Growing up, I had the best car ever. A purple 1996 Dodge Caravan, the Eggplant was my noble steed from 2006 through 2012. Throughout that time, the ‘plant got a little bit decorated. Over the years, the roof was covered with signatures, drawings, newspaper clippings, and more.

Next to a horse.
Next to a horse.
During a typical New England winter
During a typical New England winter.

Like all cars, Suze, as the Eggplant was also know, got old and started to break down. Continue reading “The Art of the Eggplant”


Nowadays, in a world where the phrase ‘nowadays’ is rarely used, everything is quick and digital. Kids today want everything instantly and online. And Twitter is their (our) Mecca. Everything on Twitter is fast. If a notable human dies, it will be on Twitter before any news site, let alone a newspaper. Communication? Forget e-mail. When I wanna hit up Kathy Najimy, I tweet at her.

But what about art? Poetry? Can they exist in this bizarre Tworld?


I recently stumbled Continue reading “Poetweeting”